Sponsor opportunity


I have decided to try something new; if you would like to have your blog button up at Magical Day Dream, that is possible! I always enjoy visiting other blogs and would like to give you the opportunity to sponsor Magical Day Dream by offering a button swap. It doesn’t matter if your blog has 2 visitors a month or 10000 , let’s simply exchange links and have fun discovering new blogs!

If you are interested, check out my sponsor page (yes I have one now) for details and simply shoot me an e-mail at magicaldaydream (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

(Haha can you tell that picture is a few months old ;) )


  1. I am stealing your idea :)

  2. Haha well, it's not like the idea of sponsorship and button swaps is a completely new one.. let alone that it really is 'my' idea in that sense ;)

  3. I would love to swap buttons-Your blog is delightful and I'm a follower now (in case you were wondering?!) Lori
