Creative challenge: Dress pretty

The challenge: Dress the way you would like to feel rather than how you feel and record your outfit in a visual way.

Sometimes it can be those external things that give you a boost and make you feel more energetic, positive and creative. Like cleaning your room, getting some chores done, dressing up fancy and going out. Have you ever noticed the difference it can make when you took a shower, dressed pretty, put on some make-up and played funky music? I certainly did. However, some days I am tired and cold and will put on my comfy jeans and a big warm sweater. Nothing wrong with that really, but I want to challenge me and my wardrobe for this week's creative challenge and make my outside positively influence my inside.

In stead of choosing your regular t-shirt and your most comfy pants, take a moment to visualize how you would want to feel today. Is it happy, outgoing, sexy, sophisticated, creative, tough, cute or something else? Then compose an outfit that will help translate that feeling. For each day, take a picture or make a drawing of your outfit.

Here are some cool examples from a whole blog dedicated to outfit drawings (via)
what i wear today (19.08.11)
what i wore today de mayo, 2011


  1. this is a great idea! I'll try to work this into my week and if I manage, I'll make a post and tell you about it!! :)

  2. Have you ever watched the TV show "What Not to Wear"? This is exactly what they try and teach their contributors when they make them over. Wear something to make you feel good inside instead of dressing how you already feel. It's a such a proactive approach. I love it! I hope you'll let us know how it goes for you!

  3. Love the idea !!

  4. @ Paula: I would love to see that! And you can also do a few days, or next week.. or whatever suits you. :)

    @ Beckie: I don't think so. But it makes sense that fashion/makeover shows follow this principle. It really does make a difference..

    @. : thanks! :)

  5. I could not agree with you more. In just this last year I started forcing myself to find comfortable dresses (because until this year I only owned one for "special occasions"). I've discovered that it's not only possible, but I actually enjoy getting dolled up a little... as long as I'm still wearing boots of course.

  6. Your sketches are amazing! I love this concept.

  7. First, I love your little creative challenges.

    And this is such a fantastic idea! A lot of days I'm either lazy or in a rush and just default to my favorite comfy jeans and t-shirt, but just taking the time to visualize how I'd want to feel would work wonders. Even just sketching out some outfit ideas too!
