How to be a master

As you might now I am doing a master in Industrial Design.

A while ago the subject of my incapability and lack of basic skills in certain digital programs became a topic of conversation, because I tend to be a bit stubborn in how I do things. I am eager to learn, but only if it makes sense to me and it will serve as a tool in becoming a better designer. Somehow it sparks my creativity ten thousand times more when I sketch on paper than when I attempt to do a similar thing on my computer screen. And I rather make a big painting and cut out cardboard letters to convey my message than to make a boring poster in a template that doesn’t speak to me at all. I like to work in the physical world with real objects and real materials. Nothing against Photoshop, but it should be seen as for example a tool to present information in a persuasive way, rather than a learning goal in itself.

Being mocked by my fellow master committee members who were giving workshops to first and second year bachelor students (oh and me) on basic programs, I decided that if I made it this far using my own silly methods, I should share my insights in how to keep up the appearance of being an ‘adequate master student’. Because being a master, or pretending to be one, is really very simple. So I decided to make a little booklet out of it for a friend as a present, who just happened to 1. be in the master committee as well 2. celebrate her birthday that week and 3. in some ways shares my incapability (one word to you know who you are: arduino :p ).





  1. hahaha i love the number 6! This booklet is so funny and also soo creative!! Great work!

  2. haha, the last one is the best!! though number 4 is pretty hilarious too! great job :)

  3. :)
    Great job!

    my favorites: 3 (...sound like you know what you're talking about. They love it.) and 5 (nostalgic expression...) :)

  4. I love this post! It took me back a few years ago back when I was still in university taking up that degree. I have to agree with you. I would prefer the hands on designing aspect like sketching, painting and experiencing it manually rather than doing my designs using state of the art softwares. haha. :-) I find it easier and I think that I just have more freedom when I am really doing it myself. :-)

    I love the last one the most!!! :-)


  5. @ Gulcin of Olric, Mariana: Thank you that's sweet to say :) I like how everyone has his/her own personal favorite and how different people pick different ones. I guess we can all relate to it in some way (or in all.. haha.. or maybe that's just me :p )

    @ Ida: Yay! I have found a comrad in my cruisade of solitude! I think it makes that you have a better feel of what you are doing when working in the physical world'...

  6. You are indeed the master of being awesome!

  7. I love this!!!!! The drawings are adorable too!

