Creative challenge: Write a haiku every day

Every week I set a creative challenge. This week:

The challenge: Write a haiku every day.

Thailand Bangkok 1 water lily

A haiku is a very short form of Japanese poetry, written in three lines. The first line contains 5 syllables, the second 7 and the third 5 again. For more information on the content and origin, check our friend Wikipedia, from who I just learned that it also needs to have a ‘cutting content’ and originally has seasonal references.

I have never written a haiku in my life. I believe that part of the creative process is doing things you haven’t done before and expose yourself to new experiences.

For inspiration you could check out Katie’s haikus at Hazel and Mare. She is good. I think she is like the queen of haikus. If there were such a thing. Maybe there should be... and then we should make her a crown...

1 comment:

  1. I love haikus! I've been collecting haikus for a project... I'll try to write my own!

    Your blog is very inspiring! :)

