Mini origami cranes in mini light bulb necklace

 photo paper-crane-lightbulb-necklace-2_zpsd6a4e252.jpg  photo paper-crane-lightbulb-necklace-3_zps67cb16cd.jpg  photo paper-crane-lightbulb-necklace-1_zpscc7580bd.jpg

My birthday was almost three months ago, but I still haven’t gotten around to showing a special present I received. My friends Diede and Tomas (with the mental support from Timo) made me a necklace. Not just any necklace. They made me a necklace out of miniature lightbulbs with the most tiny origami cranes inside in rainbow colours. How awesome is that?

Picture two heavily bearded dudes in a highly feminine beads&craft shop, discussing the perfect shape and size of a necklace. They didn’t just hollow out the bulbs and fold the cranes themselves, they even fixed each bulb with cloth and wax to prevent moist and dirt from getting inside.

I am amazed by the effort they put into this project, and how spot on the design is. Jewelry and taste are difficult things to get right, but the necklace is really me.

Pretty amazing necklace, right?

[Actually there was at least double the amount of bulbs and cranes, but one bulb broke so I rearranged the necklace somewhat when I fixed it and kept the rest as 'spare' ones.]


  1. this is awesome and the sweetest gift ever :)

  2. This is amazing! What a lovely and time consuming thing for them to do for you, it really is a perfect necklace for you

  3. Those are so tiny! Woah! Such a pretty necklace and thoughtful gift :)

  4. That's so cute! What a unique gift -- you have very thoughtful friends!

  5. Such a thoughtful and kind gift and to someone who is very deserving of such. <3

  6. That is so original, i have never seen anything like it!

  7. Such a sweet gift that you wont see everyone wearing.

  8. This is darling! Such an amazing gift. And perfect for you because of your 1,000 origami crane project. So lovely. Happy belated birthday!! :)

  9. Such a cute necklace!

  10. This necklace is beautiful, so unique! Perfect for you :)

    <3 Megan
