Halloween orange light DIY

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Quite a while back, I shared a project on this blog in which I carved out a mandarin and put a little candle in it. My past mandarin experiment was fun, but also quite dangerous and not really suitable as a home friendly DIY. As we are getting closer to Halloween, I decided to share an improved version of this project. This time I feel comfortable about you trying it at home.

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1. Cut off the top of an orange.
2. Scoop out the edible part. It might take a while before the inside is entirely clean. When it is, carve out holes with a sharp knife for the eyes and mouth.
3. Find a small light that fits inside. In my experience cheap, little, battery powered bike lights are a good option. I wouldn’t recommend candles because of safety.
4. Wait until it is dark and put the light inside the orange. The fun thing about the bike light is that it has a blinking option. When it is pitch dark the orange will get lit and seemingly disappear again.

I would love to see your oranges if you give this a try!

In other news, today I am over on two different blogs. You can read an interview with me by Allison on her blog 'Dream a little bigger', in which I talk about my origami crane project, blog name and street art among other things. On Milda’s blog ‘Evening, Mister’ you can find me talking about monkeys and acting silly. You are warmly invited to pay these ladies a visit and scoop around on their blog!


  1. That is so cute! I can just picture a windowsill lined with blinking oranges. :-)

    1. Yes that would be awesome! Unfortunately my windows are too high for people on the street to properly see that..

  2. Ok.. so tomorrow I'm going to go buy a blinking light so I can turn my last orange into one. Love it.

  3. this is SOOOO ADORABLE I'm doing this with my niece and nephews!!!! love it :) hahaha cute!!!
