[7/7] Monster in a coffee cup painting

 photo monster-in-coffee-cup-1_zpse1e7b3fa.jpg  photo monster-in-coffee-cup-2_zps20cbc698.gif

I painted myself another imaginary friend. He is small and fluffy, sees almost everything (and therefore is easily distracted) and loves coffee. But not to drink. No, to bathe in. He is a little monster after all.

This being painting #7 means I finished my two weeks of extreme painting! Ok, so I took two extra days to complete all my work, but they are all there now.

Do you have a favorite one?


  1. I frickin love your paintings!! :) xxx I really liked the hedgehog, and the duck in a swing. I liked the parakeets too. I don't know which one I loved the most! xxx

  2. I can't pick a favorite! I really like the hedgehog, the monkey and this latest one, the monster in the coffee cup!

    Congratulations on completing your painting challenge! Now when can we expect more paintings? ;)

    1. I believe so. Although I am not sure when and what my next one will be. But I definitely would like to paint more :)

  3. Oh, this is awesome! I think this one's my favorite.

  4. That is awesome! LOVE that guy. :)

  5. Your paintings are getting cuter and cuter. This guy looks like he stepped off the set of monsters inc. I love the combo of coffee +monster. :)

    1. Haha yes! I wanted to give him a toothbrush to scratch his back at first.. but didn't really like how it looked as a whole ;)

  6. I think this is my favorite. I can't even tell what real life is anymore.

    1. Whaha, that happens to me a lot ;) UNICORNS!!!

  7. I loved all your new paintings, but I think your abstract exploration piece is my favorite of the bunch! It's so inspiring to me to see artists push themselves past their comfort zone! And even though it was different, the piece still seemed -you- if you know what I mean.
    -Naomi http://girldust.com

    1. I agree! I love seeing people explore their art. And I get what you mean - I do feel it is still me.. even if it is less concrete

  8. All of your paintings are amazing, but this is by far my favorite. I love your creativity.

  9. You dit it! Which one is YOUR favorite?

    1. Ehmmm not sure yet. I think either the ukulele one or monkey portrait.. :)

  10. This is so unbelievably cute!
    You are so talented, you should open an etsy shop x

    1. I am actually contemplating about the possibility. Perhaps I will :)

  11. So cute!

    - I s a @ Head Red + Blondi

  12. This one is definitely my favorite! I love monsters, but only nice monsters, and this little guy looks pretty friendly.

    1. me too! I don't really like ugly mean ones.. so I only create fluffy adorable ones ;)

  13. Wow! He's freaking adorable :) I love his colorful eyes and wispy blue fur........I think he's my favorite but I really love the birds, hedgehog and other ......they all have their own cute personality :)
    congrats on finishing your challenge!!!

    1. Thank you! Yes I still find it hard to compare. Although they are kind of a collection they are also very different

  14. This is my favourite! ♥
    I want him to be my friend as well :P
    I love the colour scheme and how adorable he looks just hanging there in a hot bath of coffee. :D

    1. He is very friendly so I am sure he would like to be your friend :)

  15. Marielle! Hi! I'm finally caught up on reading your blog. Hooray! I've really enjoyed seeing what you've been up to these last few months. It seems like quite a lot. I'm really looking forward to staying current with your going-ons in the future now too (I saw your blog advertisement on Elycia's blog! (Or was it Kaylahs? They're like the same person to me sometimes haha). Exciting things are happening for you : ]

    Anyway, working my forward...I loved your drawing of the introvert vs. extrovert! I still didn't quite understand it (probably all the big sciency words haha) but it was great nonetheless. I am definitely an introvert and have only recently realized this to be true. I'm working on accepting it too, but it sure is difficult!

    It's so great that you had your water/motion prototype displayed! How cool is that?! A big congratulations to you--that's really really cool, and it looks like everyone was thoroughly enjoying it : ]

    I watched the video you made of your crane process, and handing out all of them. It made me soooooo happy to see everyone's reactions and their faces and everything! So sweet! I'm glad this project was such a success for you. Really, just so awesome : ]

    And finally, your 7 paintings. Amazing! I really really dig your painting style, and seeing these paintings in a row was like a major overload or awesome--in a really good way haha. I loved every one of them--so cute and bright and just fun. You'll have to let us know if you ever set up and Etsy shop or anything, because I would sure like to buy something when you do : ]

    And I guess that's it! Your blog is still one of my favorites and it makes me happy to be back to reading it : ] : ]

    Oh, and happy late birthday!!!

    1. Hi Beckie! So glad that you took the time to read my recent adventures :) You are right, I tried my first advertisement on Elycia's blog as a kind of experiment. Not really planning on doing that again, but I was quite curious on how that would potentially influence things.

      I am trying to develop my fountain design further by myself now. It is a real struggle, but I try to take baby steps and look forward.

      I would say my paper crane project is one of the most interesting things that happened in the last months, at least that's how I feel about the project. It makes me really happy that i finally finished my original goal.

      Actually I am seriously contemplating about the idea to open an Etsy shop. perhaps sell both some original artwork and prints. And I have a few other ideas but they are still quite hypothetical. I will definitely share on my blog if I decide to go through with any of this ;)

      Thank you so much for your continuous support and sweet comments. They make me smile a lot :)

    2. I would absolutely buy a painting if they were for sale.

      My (unsolicited) advice on etsy shops is, try it and see. It's not difficult or too expensive to set up and open a shop for three months.
      You may find that it was what you were meant to be doing all along and you enjoy the process and want to continue to put that time and effort into maintaining a shop.
      Or you may find that it's not for you but something like store envy, or creating a page on your blog is better.

      Or you may find that making something for the purpose of selling it isn't at all like you thought it would be and you'd rather have a recipient in mind before making something.

      Whatever you choose, or whatever happens, you are a talented painter and creative soul and may you always find happiness.


    3. Thanks for sharing! And you are right. Just because I give it a go doesn't mean that I am stuck to it forever. I should probably just see it as another experiment. And you never know until you try, right? :)
