Garden twister DIY

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Ok, so first of all I do not want to take credit for this idea by any means, because it wasn’t mine. I came across this picture of an outdoor twister game and traced it back to a blog post by Katie from ‘You plus me’. Katie says she got the idea from ‘Sassy Style - Interior Redesign’. Glad we have that cleared out.

Then I would like to continue with a confession: nobody actually played garden twister at our party. I think it was the combination of a broken turner (I made dices with instructions in stead, but they were tiny and we kind of forgot to tell our guests about their existence), darkness and coloured flashing lights that made it hard to see the coloured paint, and an overkill of many other really fun activities like our photo booth, swimming pool (we set up an inflatable pool with warm water), bonfire with marshmallows, an edible nacho hat, cocktails served in water melons, a dance floor and malfunctioning karaoke, special balloons and a unicorn piñata (and yes, there will be a post on the piñata). Also the grass got somewhat muddy from all the people getting in and out of the pool. So yeah, there was so much going on that the twister got a bit neglected.

Still, I would like to show you the idea and how to make one yourself. Just in case you don’t have an inflatable swimming pool ;)

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You will need four different colours of spray paint. Assuming you will follow the original twister colours, you will need: red, blue, yellow and green. I just used the cheapest paint I could find.

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Take a piece of cardboard and draw a circle on it and cut it out with a knife. It doesn’t really mater what sort of cardboard you use. It helps if you have or can borrow an original twister game to get the measurements somewhat right. Simply take a circled object which size comes closest to the original circles (for me that was a pan). I found a big box so I made two circles, which made the spraying process a lot quicker.

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Put the cardboard on the (mowed) grass and simply spray over the holes in your cardboard. Apply several layers to make the colour stronger. Wait a moment for it to dry and move on to the next circles.

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The ‘normal twister field’ is 4x6 circles. You could stick to this, or make a more unconventional field by applying spots on random places. Although I went for a traditional twister field, I did add a couple of spots outside of the field as some extra options.

When was the last time you played twister?


  1. That's amazing!!! xxx

  2. How do you come up with these amazing idea. You are so rad. I wish I had a lawn to do this on. :(

    1. Well I stole the idea from the Internet (see link in post). I actually don't have a garden, but my boyfriend does so that's perfect and I love how he also get's enthusiastic about these ideas in stead of being worried about messing up his grass :p

  3. this is such a fun idea especially outside
    you always think outside the box :)

  4. Eeeeeek! Soooo much fun!

    This is so awesome. Thanks for sharing.
