My rabbit and me

I have a very special friend. My friend is a rabbit. You might know him from my new banner, but we go way back to my graduation in March.

He shines a bright light everywhere he goes, and gets me through any long dark evening. He doesn’t say much. He is more of a listener really, like most rabbits are. But just seeing him in the corner of my room makes me smile.

Sometimes we throw a pyjama party. We do not dance. We just sit quietly next to each other, me reading a book. Cause that's how rabbits party. Every now and then he likes me to read him a bed-time story. He happens to like the same kind of books as I do.

My rabbit makes me happy.

[if you want a friend of your own; check out the Noukie Nouk site]


  1. LOVE the new banner! That rabbit is definitely the best kind of buddy to get you through the nights. ;)

    Does he have a name?

    1. I just call him rabbit. Although actually he is a hare, but I prefer to think he is a rabbit.

  2. How cute are you? SO cute! This bit of bright whimsy made my day. Wish I was coming to the Netherlands so i could photograph you.

    1. I would love that, give me a call when you do ;)

  3. EEEEKKKK! Cutest thing ever! I only stumbled upon your blog today and I absolutely love it! X

  4. What a cool little lamp you have there! I wanty for me! Ha!
