Mini rainbow pancakes

What would be more fun than pancakes? Perhaps cute mini pancakes. We even have a name for them here in the Netherlands. They are called ‘poffertjes’. And I happened to have bought a poffertjes pan. Now, what would be even more fun than poffertjes?
What about rainbow poffertjes?
Actually these were only the leftovers; I baked much more, but ate nearly everything before taking a good picture.
(I played with pancakes before, see here)


  1. They are so adorable! I didn't even know you live in the Netherlands, Ek praat Afrikaans :), praat jy Nederlanders?

  2. They look like macaroons! So pretty!

  3. mmm those look good! What an interesting pan to make them with too.

    Loulou Downtown

  4. these are so cute!!! rainbow pancakes!!! :-)

  5. These pancakes look so adorable. You're really creative. I wish I could come up with something like this. My kids would love these. Thanks for the ideas :)

  6. My rainbow cake attempts have been unsuccesful, maybe I should try pancakes.

  7. oooh i love poffertjes! I always eat them at the christmas market around here. we even thought about buying a poffertjes pan and throwing a poffertjes party, haha. they're so cute and fluffy and delicious ♥

  8. @ citysccapes and romance: I have been to South-Africa! And you are right: Afrikaans lijkt veel op Nederlands; dus ik spreek ook een beetje Afrikaans.

    @ Gulcin: You are right, only I have never tasted macaroons before, I think I should.. :)

    @ Loulou: The pan did make it a whole lot easier..

    @ A splash of Ida: haha thanks :)

    @ Iloveeasypancakes: Thank you! I don't have kids, but sometimes I think that if I would, they would like at least some of my meals ;)

    @ brlracincwgrl: Thanks :)

    @ Shaleen: I have tried a rainbow cake) as well!

    @Paula: Really? What do you call them? I love the idea of a poffertjes party!

  9. Ahhh these are so fab ! I always eat my food before I remember to take photos as well, oh well can´t help it if it´s so tasty ;)

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