What I did while I should have been working on my project

I expanded my ‘epic word list’ (including words like ‘heroic’, ‘galaxy’, ‘mankind’, ‘apocalyptic’, ‘legend’, ‘awesome’ and ‘hysteria’), I drank yet another cup of coffee and daydreamed about the hypothetical owner of the mysterious greenish car outside my window (that I hadn’t really even noticed before, until it coincidently matched the paint chip I collected for my explorer challenge). And while I was silently and blank-faced doodling on my bananas while ignoring my laptop screen that showed a first attempt to the set-up of a user test I came to realize; this just wasn’t going to be a productive day...


  1. aww, I'm in love with mister banana! though how one can think of drawing on bananas remains a mystery to me, I'm glad you did :)

  2. I like the bananas and somedays are just like that....

  3. I think decorating bananas counts as a productive day!

  4. haha. you are brilliant. super excited I stumbled across your blog. totally following. If you get second, I'd love if you'd check out mine. It's all about the adventures of a east coast girl turned LA stylist. thanks, love. xo


  5. @ Paula: I will tell him that. Oh wait. I won't. I might have eaten him (In the train while facing a boy who kept glimpsing at my banana without saying a word)

    @Joyce: Ahh thank you :)

    @ A splash of Ida: thank you :)

    @ Lina: haha well at least somebody did then :) I guess it's not a total bad thing. Too often we block our creativity by this need to be productive and efficient all the time.

    @ Fash Boulevard: Thank you! I'll be sure to check it out!
