Thailand (6) Bike ride, mountain village and rice fields

Close to Chiang Mai I visited a village in the mountains and met the ‘White Hmong’ people. It was small and cute. I loved to see all the animals walking everywhere, especially the piglets. I wanted to adopt them and take them home with me! On the way back we made a coffee stop (see how they dry the coffee beans in the sun).
Thailand 8 welcome hanging flowers
Thailand 11 piglets
Thailand 12 coffee beans  
A bike ride through a historical park with many old ruins. The place was beautiful! So peaceful, a lot of lakes, calm roads and great sights.
Thailand 10 lake temple reflection
Thailand 3 park tree with boat
Thailand 4 reflection lake
Thailand 5 tree reflection 
(Me as your personal reporter in action)
Thailand 9 bike ride
Thailand 1 panorama
Thailand 2 panorama
Thailand 7 stairs 
Oh and I picked out the tiles for my future house. I imagine these tiles would make me happy every time I would walk over them. Come to think of it, I don’t think I would even leave my home.
Thailand 13 flower tiles 
I even got to meet my Thai mom (see sign).
Thailand 14 dragon mom
Thailand 6 fluffy puppy 
I saw how they were planting rice. These people were incredible. It was unbearably hot and they were working like mad people. The sun was high, their back bended all day. Wow...
Thailand 7 planting rice
Thailand 6 rice planting


  1. Waow, the pictures are so beautiful! Very nice post :-)

    // Frederikke.

  2. Thanks Frederikke! Although really the sights were beautiful, I just happened to take some snapshots of all the beauty :)

  3. I love all of your Thailand pictures so much! They are super vibrant and gorgeous.
