I ate an elephant

We can all get stuck in our daily routine; going to the same places, meeting the same people and cooking the same food. I decided to break my routine and be a bit more creative in my cooking. A little confession: I might have cooked potatoes only once in perhaps 3 years. It’s not that I eat unhealthy; pasta and rice are just faster and easier. I made mashed potatoes and even cooked broccoli (another thing I never do). But of course my meal shouldn’t become too boring, so I added a little twist to my meal.
Food fun elephant lake
OK, as I am not the most talented food-magician: it is an elephant… And a lake.. and bushes and stuff. You might notice a bit of blue on the elephant’s ears. That is easily explained by the next picture (which was actually the first one I took). You see, just riiiight before I wanted to take a snapshot of my creation, Mr. Elephant decided it was the perfect time to fall over and take a swim in the lake. Great.
Food fun fallen elephant lake
Anyway. Eating was fun. Anything as unnatural as blue food is fun.


  1. Ahaha! This is so adorable. What a cute idea <3


  2. Ahhh this is so amazing!!! Its too too cute C::C:C:


  3. this is so awesome haha, i love cute things!


  4. Hahhah that is so funny. You are so adorable!

    Belly B :)

  5. Haha, this is great! I love the elephant and the blue lake. What a great idea. I may try something like this next time I babysit; the little girls I sit for are not great eaters but I feel like making eating fun would help a lot :)

  6. Thanks you all!

    @ Clare: You should! I bet they'd love it! If you do please tell me how it went.

  7. cute! sometimes i play with my food too!!! hahaha. :) brings back the little kid in me

