
Yesterday I ran half a marathon (as mentioned in my summer list). I didn’t drop dead and actually finished. Besides the soar muscles at the moment, I am really happy I accomplished my goal. I started running because it is a sport that is easy to combine with my hectic schedule (I can just put on my shoes and go outside whenever I have the time). The last months I have been training from having trouble running 10 minutes straight to running for over 2 hours without stopping. It was quite a challenge to train three times a week... when it was raining, when my schedule was dead crazy, when the word couch potato sounded like the most glorious thing in the world, when I had only slept for 2 hours. But hey, I made it :)

Having said all that, there is no way I am running that far any time soon again. Haha. I reached my goal, time for a new challenge (any suggestions for other sports or hobbies I should try?).

I love how supportive my family was. My sister, running along a few meters:
 I love this picture of my mother, cheering from the side of the road
 My dad, with whom I ran half a marathon. The picture is taken just after we finished.
My family truly made the whole experience more worthwhile :) (including the home made brownies and ice-cream afterwards haha, thanks guys)


  1. Aww how sweet! :) Congratulations on reaching your goal!

    <3 Belly B

  2. Congrats! I can't even run half a track without running out of air.

  3. Congratulations! The picture of your mom was so sweet :)

  4. :)

    @ Farjana: well that's pretty much where I started ;) I would never have guessed I would do this in my life... (I mean.. without being forced to :p)

    @ Jessilyn: I really like that one too :) It meant a lot to me having them there...
