Graffiti festival

Past Sunday was a laid back day, in which Anne and I strolled around a flea market and visited a local graffiti festival (I pass this area every day on my bike when I go to university normally). I love the vibrant colors. The bird below was my absolute favorite piece of artwork out there. Looking at it makes me want to draw. 

(Notice how most outfits of artists seem to resemble their artwork in terms of colors, or the other way around. Thought that was funny...)



  1. you live in a crazy world of whimsy! No pretty colours or smooth curves in this city I live in, no sir-ree! I wish all graffiti looked like that.

  2. Wow, those are amazing! I would have loved to see that in real life!

  3. @ Melissa: Well, not every single piece of graffiti in my city looks like the above. But there is some pretty cool stuff out there :)

    @ Jamie: It was really cool to see the artists at work, because normally you only see the end result. All these tough guys acting all so detailed and precise about what they were making..

  4. Those are some seriously cool works! (Also, I couldn't help but noticed about the guy's pants -- 3rd picture. Haha..) :D

  5. I wish we had something like that in california! Most of the really beautiful graffiti is hidden or very far and between...or being covered up by parolees.

  6. wow that bird is so amazing and detailed! The rest are pretty cool too.

  7. Oh wow! You always introduce me to the absolute coolest street art! Yet again you've blown me away!
